Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Last Golden Age

Prophet Muhammad described the before the End Times there will be a golden age with the properties of heavenly. Many hadiths indicate the existence of a period when the values ​​of the Qur'an will cover the earth. This period is known as the Golden Age, will last for more than half a century, and in many respects would resemble a 'period of the Full Blessings "during the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

According to one hadith, people will be so satisfied that they will spend their days without realizing that the time went by and the day in and day out. They will pray to God to prolong their life in order to receive more blessings from this glory. Another hadith states that:

Young people eager for them to grow up, while the adults wish to remain young Kindness will be even better, and even the bad guys were treated well (Al-Mutaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi al-Mahdi Address End of al-Zaman,)

Many hadiths reveal that there will be plants and crops will be abundant goods unexpectedly, and everything is distributed without measured :

During this period, my people will lead a peaceful and comfortable life, who had never known before. (This land) will issue the harvest and will not take it back (Reported by Ibn Majah)

At the end of the day there will be a caliph who would distribute wealth without counting (Muslim)

Inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be satisfied with his government and such plants will be grown by the earth, so that life would want to be the dead can come back is turned (At Tabrani and Abu Nu'aym)

This land will come back as a gold tray growing vegetation (Ibn Majah)

Advances in technology will provide an abundance of material in the Golden Age, Humans will reap 700 doses of wheat for every time they sow. Humans will spread a few handfuls of seeds and reap 700 grip (the harvest) Although a lot of rain fell, none would be wasted.
Cost of living is high and poverty will end Since the Golden Age will be a time of prosperity and abundant wealth, all people will receive more than they asked for. Nothing will be measured or counted. Prophet Muhammad said that his people will live in a blessing, especially during the Final Days:

A time will come when a man with a fortune of gold in his hand running and never found anyone who's willing to accept alms (Mukhtasar Tazkirah Qurtubi)

Then my people will be blessed, the number of animals will increase and the soil, will produce a variety of fruits Sure, property will be abundant, flowing like water. But no one would bend down to pick it up. (Mukhtasar Tazkirah Qurtubi)


Allah Know The Best

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